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"who is my soulmate psychic" reading

"When you meet this person. a person. a soul mate. leave the connection. the relationship. be what it is. it can be for five minutes. five hours. five days. five months. five years. a life. five lifetimes. manifest it as it should be. that is destiny. no matter whether it persists or not. to be so loved will make you gentler. the souls come in. go back. open up. and travel through your life for countless reasons. let them be who and what they should be. "
Some time ago I found this poem by Nayyirah Waheed and it made me think about what kind of soul mate means to me. Actually, I always found the word "soul mate" somehow cringy. For me, it was a cheesy choice of words from a past esoteric era in which dream catchers and Buddha pearls were carried. But at the latest, after I talked to my friends about it, I realized that this term still carries a lot of meaning for many people.
The idea of ​​an all-encompassing and powerful connection with a person is rare and precious; it has a calming effect on our souls. But do we all have a soul mate? And are we really connected forever?
In Psychology Today, a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst Dr. Mary C. Lamia says the following: “Soul mates experience communication on both a non-verbal and verbal level. Nuances of communication arise through facial expressions and body language, especially when you are attuned to another person ”. So do we achieve the status of a soul mate when a look between two people can convey an inner feeling? That could well be possible.

Especially the people around me made it clear to me that a soul mate does not necessarily have to be a person with whom you are physically intimate. It may also be someone with whom you have shared an intense connection at some point in your life; Family members, business partners, old flames, or friends.

For the following slideshow, I asked people about their soul mates and asked them to give me their own definition for this term. Interestingly, many of the definitions are very similar, although the soul mates have completely different relationships with the respondents.
Psychic Angela has 5-10 years of psychological skills experience to help others and find answers to their personal questions. Psychic Angela recently helped 0 members with mental readings and intuitive revelations at OranumThe following testimonials show what others have said about the accuracy and sensitivity of Angela as an online clairvoyant.

Specialized in:

Love and relationship

Brief description:

  • If you are looking for true love?
  • If you're confused, does your lover deserve you or not?
  • If you have heartbreaking problems and feel stress for your love life?
  • Are you away from your lover
  • If you think your lover is a scam?
  • If you think someone else (3rd person) is involved in your love life problems?
  • THEN must contact me!
  • I can guide you to get out of this troubling situation!
  • I can urge you to mend your spiritual paths!
  • I can help you find the right partner!
  • I can give you clear and precise answers about your love life!
  • I can also type very quickly to save your precious time!


About my services

To get honest, accurate, and sincere advice on all matters of love and relationship, you have chosen a real man! My 20 years of experience in dealing with psychological problems, marriage problems, soul relationships, single and dating problems, fraud and affairs, divorce, love, and relationship problems make me insecure that everyone is different and has different problems. However, most people lack mental peace only because of their emotional and psychological problems. Once you find true love, the level of your true happiness will peak and happiness will make your life blossom. This only happens if you can find the right way through the right man that I'm working on.
Many soul mates want my help, wondering how to find true love despite many problems? There my work begins to help him find precise characteristics of true love deep in the heart of his / her partner. I am passionate and my dealings with customers are completely obvious, clear, and to the point.


For honest, precise, and sincere advice on all questions of love and relationship, I have proven myself to be one of the best qualified psychological counselors with long practical experience! I have a bachelor's degree in mathematics, physics, and a master's degree in computer applications.

Experience & qualifications

I am a born clairvoyant with natural abilities and powers. I have extensive and thorough studies in the areas of spiritualism, clairvoyant reading, single and dating, fraud, and affairs, reading soul mates, divorce, soul mate relationships, love, and relationship.
for honest, precise, and sincere advice in all questions of love and relationship building, soul relationships. psychic reading. I have proven myself to be one of the best qualified psychological counselors with many years of practical experience! I have proven myself to be one of the most qualified mental counselors with years of practical experience.

work experience

I have been working since the beginning of 1994, so I have close observation and experience in almost everything. You can discuss everything with me. I love to discuss relationships, love, and spirituality. It is rare for two true soul mates to come together, but during these years I have studied many troubled relationships among many soul mates.

Help find partners

My 10 years of experience shows that everyone is different from the other, so it brings with it a different problem. I usually confirm that someone is their soul mate, and sometimes I have the difficult task of being the bearer of the difficult news that someone is not their soul mate and that they have to move on and be happy in their lives.
I give people the keys to unlock this happiness. Once they have unlocked happiness in themselves, their soul mate will draw to them. If it's that person, that's great, if not, they'll be able to find true happiness through themselves. True happiness is through you, not in someone else. Once you have achieved your peace of mind, your soul mate can come to you and that will increase happiness and happiness will continue to grow and develop without end between them. Everything comes from within and that's usually the topic I'm working on.
And often soul mates actually need my help. They ask me how we can be true soul mates when we have so many difficulties and difficulties. Shouldn't we come together like two pieces of the puzzle? In my experience, nine out of ten soul mates have the most difficult and turbulent time to get together because the energy is so powerful, life-changing, and permanent that it causes a lot of turbulence.
My calling comes to me. I am totally open. I read about everything. I've found lost items for people and all kinds of jobs like this, but I find it primarily and my calling to help people in relationships.
Are you telling me more about your gifts and how you use them to help people?
I am a little different from most clairvoyants. When people call, I don't ask for anything. I just go with what I get. I get a very fast stream of visions when called. I connect very well with most people. in some people, the connection is much stronger.
My angel leaders can bring me messages and clarity immediately. My angel leaders are more like my blessings. They help me decide what to do in life. Seeing things. Sometimes I hear real angel whispers, information is transmitted. They are the ones who can really confirm to me if two people are true soul mates.
However, I am much more a clairvoyant medium and also a very strong empath. Everything I do, all of my readings, really come straight from the heart. I can really feel very deeply and empathetically what these people are going through. I am a healer by nature. My main goal is to really increase people's energy and increase their vibration frequency so that they can achieve their own peace of mind. That is the core of my work: healing people by making them feel better so that they can generate more positive energy and achieve peace of mind.
When you reach your peace of mind, which is your strongest vibration frequency, everything around you changes. This is the key to the universe that opens up to the fullness of all the positive things the universe is trying to give. Then everything that is really most positive for your life will be very, very powerfully attracted to you, and everything negative will be rejected like a force field.

What are you doing to charge yourself positively?

I try to go to the gym a couple of times a week. It doesn't always happen, but I try to exercise and go outside. I feel like I get a lot of my energy from the sun, so I like going outside and getting some sunlight and charging. I try to do happy things that I enjoy.
I am a pretty strong positive force. That's how I am and wake up in the morning. I am not holding back. I try my best for everyone, for every customer. I'm pretty tired at the end of the day. I find that my angel leaders charge me through my dreams in my sleep.

When did you first recognize your gift?

Consciously when I was 10. But I'm pretty sure it happened before.
Mind you, I'm not sure if these were angel leaders, but it was definitely a connection to the other side. When I was a child I slept in my bed and I woke up and looked at my door and I was visited by these people like a real person standing there.
It wasn't a hallucination. It wasn't a dream; It was like a real person standing there. I would look and I would shake my head and close my eyes, open them again and it would be gone. It was the first sign that I was connected and that something was trying to visit me.
At about the same time, I got visions of the past, present, and future. Sometimes I had dreams of something and I woke up and that happened or I closed my eyes and had a vision of a certain person and I saw and interacted with them later that day, just little premonitions like that. When I was a kid, these things were natural and I didn't think of anything. After many years you realize that you are being led.

  • Do you have any questions that you have answered?
  • Are you looking for true love?
  • Do you feel the stress of love?
  • Are you separate from the one you love?
  • Unsure about your loved one!
  • Is he/she cheating?
  • Where is my "life" going?
  • Is this person worthy of my love?
  • Why can't my partner and I get along?
  • Will this be a long term relationship?
  • What are the reasons for the sudden change in my partner?
  • Will I be happy with this relationship?
  • Is someone else dealing with our problem?
  • What caused the problem
  • Can we be happy together?
  • Reading Clarity
  • Depressed and Confused About Life!
  • What can we expect in the near future?
  • Are you just lost and don't know where to go?
  • When will I start living a stable happy life?
  • Is this a good time to change careers, jobs and lovers?


  • Clairvoyant Medium Psychic.
  • Relationship builder.
  • Reunite lovers.
  • Spiritual leadership.
  • Spiritual healing.
  • New Age Spirituality
  • Read Past Life.
  • Fraud and affairs.
  • Married life.
  • Parents & children.
  • Single and dating.
  • Separation and divorce.
  • Soul-related connections.
  • Psychic reading.

  1. Single and Dating
  2. Parents and Children
  3. Fraud and Matters
  4. Separation and Divorce
  5. Marital Life
  6. Intimacy
  7. Spirituality
  8. Astrology
  9. Dream Analysis
  10. Numerology

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